Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

A little doll from the past!

An unidentified photo (taken in St. Peter, Minnesota, ca. 1900) from the Victorian cabinet card album of Erik and Karen (Larson) Stallen Pedersen of Grand Forks, North Dakota.


Lee said...

Wonderful picture! Trying to figure out that photo studio name!

Chery Kinnick said...

Hi Lee--thanks for your comment!

The photographer is "Ribble" of St. Peter, Minnesota. The Minnesota State Historical Society maintains a directory of MN photographers at:

Here's what it says about Ribble:

"Ribble, G. H.


Address: Saint Peter, Minnesota

Dates of operation: 1894-1900, 1904, 1906

Decades Worked in Minnesota: 1890s; 1900s

Notes: Had a booth at Nicollet County Fair.