Monday, December 29, 2008

Nordic Blue Has Bad Break


Just before Christmas, while at work--in the middle of moving to a new house and the worst winter weather the Pacific NW has seen in a long time--I managed to slip and break my wrist. I didn't plan it that way, since this Mountain Girl knows how to walk on snow and ice, but there was an unseen patch of ice underneath soft snow that I could hardly have avoided. I am in a cast and typing one-handed, so this is going to slow me down for a few weeks. I hope you each had a safe and warm holiday with your loved ones, whatever the weather in your neck of the woods.


  1. Chery, I've been thinking of you and wondering how you're surviving the snow. Take lots of Vitamin C and calcium to mend that break. Between you, me, and Apple, the genea-bloggers are getting to be a gimpy lot! ;-)

    Take care,

  2. Ouch! I hope your wrist heals quickly with no lasting problems.

    All the best for 2009!

  3. Oh Chery I'm so sorry! I hope you heal quickly.

  4. Hope you soon recover and please send some of the snow to Norway. We would love to get some.

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  7. OMG M.G.!

    How awful! I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?

    Mountain Girl comes off the mountain to the worst snow in years in the lowlands. And now this.

    Protect that wrist and stay in until Spring, when the snow melts. Let me know how are, no long emails or posts. You need dictating software.

    Take care, I'm thinking of you.


  8. Get better soon! You'll heal up real fast and I'll look forward to lots of posts in 2009.

  9. CHERY,

    I am so sorry to learn of your accident and broken wrist. There is never a good time to have broken bones --- and the holiday season is the worst! Oh woe!

    Here is to wishing you a fast and complete recovery and to you and yours, a most HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    Terry Thornton
    Fulton, Mississippi

  10. Chery -

    Wow, what a hock! I hope your a quick healer. You will be in my prayers. I'll send over the 'Swiss healing gnomes' to take care of your wrist.

    L, Luci

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your nasty boo boo, Chery. Here's hoping it heals quickly!

  12. Congratulations! You've just been honored with the Proximidate Award by

  13. Thanks for your support, everyone! I have a pretty new purple cast on today (replaces the frayed and beat up blue one). I should be back up to no good in a few weeks.
