Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Celebrating 100 Posts & An Announcement

When I was first inspired to start genealogy/family history blogging in August 2006 (thanks to footnoteMaven and our hobnobbing across the table at our Nearby History writing seminar), I didn't know quite where it would take me, or how I would ever find enough to write about. Sound like a familiar story? I thought it would be only family members who would find my Norwegian-American family history focus and stories of interest. Now, after 100 posts, I can easily see no end to it, thanks to inspiration and encouragment from other genealogy/family history bloggers, in particular.

I may have gotten myself into hot water by taking on too much, but I'd like to announce that I was recently chosen as a local history columnist for Seattle Examiner.com. They saw my blog and this is the result! Can you imagine? Well, pinch me, because I am still waking up, as well as learning how to find my rhythm with it all. As my fellow Seattle Examiners and I publish posts, new entries scroll on the home page. So, depending on how prolific I am (or not!), you may or may not see my link and profile there. However, a direct url for my Seattle & Pacific Northwest History Examiner blog can always be located under the heading: "Examiners."

Wish me luck...

And, a big THANKS to my fellow bloggers for providing me with some stimulating reading over my journey of 100 posts!


  1. Chery,



  2. Congratulations are certainly in order Chery! And I'm sending out an Atta Girl! to go along with it! Yeah for you!

  3. Congratulations! Great news --- super accomplishment --- and wonderful writer! You've got it all.

    Isn't is amazing what a little blogging can do?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congratulations, Chery! I want to say that I always enjoy reading your Norwegian stories. As you may know, one of my husband's great-grandmothers was Norwegian, and the cultural and historical things you share on your blog are insightful and informative as I research his family line. No one is alive in the family that I can ask questions of in regard to Norwegian culture, so your blog has been very helpful, plus just plain fun to read!

    I look forward to seeing what you write in the Seattle Examiner!

  6. Golly, thanks, Blogging Buddies! Now I need to make time to catch up on all the good reading supplied by all of you...

  7. A great big WAY TO GO! This is like some real WOW news!

    You must be excited, and I think you should be very proud. Your writing is wonderful and like others have said you really deserve this!

  8. Whoohoo! Those folks at the Seattle Examiner are smart cookies to recognize something good when they see it (just as we did!).

    Also congrats on 100 posts!


  9. Congratulations! That is wonderful news!
