Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Go Gently, 2007

I usually pay little heed to the idea of New Year's resolutions. I've never been much for making or adhering to lists. I just can't seem to get organized enough, preferring to rely on my intuition instead. But, things seem to happen somehow.

In 2007, there were some successes, a few challenges, and a few sorrows: a slice of life, in other words:

  • During the summer, I wrapped up six years of research regarding the Johnson side of my mother's family, and I am SO close to sending the finished product to the printers. It should have been there several months ago, but life happens and alters one's timing. "A Long Way Downstream: the Life and Family of Thibertine Johnson Winje, Norwegian-American Pioneer," will be out in print in 2008.

  • I learned how to give more of myself as a human being when my husband had both hips replaced this summer, and he relied on me for many everyday things he'd never had to before (because he is a ski instructor, this was doubly frustrating for him). In November, I had another chance to give my understanding and support when my only aunt passed away, and 10 days later my sister's house burned, displacing both her and our mother. Mom flew out from Alabama to live with me, and although it's been an adjustment, it is one I gladly make. Now we will have much more time to discuss family history.

  • On October 8, my very first book was released through Arcadia Publishing: Snoqualmie Pass, by John and Chery Kinnick. I love the research and putting-together part; John loves the marketing and autographing (there's something for everyone in publishing!)

  • I was also excited to have the comraderie and support from Luci and Cathy, members of my writer's support group: the "Nearby Norwegians." We are plotting our next Norwegian projects, which may be related to the upcoming centennial celebration of the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition, held in Seattle in 1909.

  • In the autumn, I participated in the Nearby History seminar for writers and local historians through Seattle's Museum of History and Industry: my second time around. This is a unique program (if you don't believe me, just try to find another like it). Those of us who have been a part of it can attest to the encouragement and opportunity it has provided to writers of history, whether it be family, local, regional, or other types of history. "Nearby History" is defined as "history that is close to the heart," not just near to Seattle. Our blogging friend, footnoteMaven, is a fellow participant, and she's, well... uh-uh! You thought I was going to give her identity away, now didn't you? I'm afraid you'll have to wait for her to raise that curtain herself, if ever, but I can tell you that she's every bit as clever, helpful, and wonderful a person as she seems in her blog posts, and real purty, too!
  • I began blogging in earnest this year, and I must say, there need be no lonely or boring moments out there for anyone involved in such a supportive venture as genealogy/family history writing. We come from near and far, answering the siren song of our computers, whatever corner they are hiding in at the moment, and we share ideas and inspire one another. Now, what could be neater than that? I am proud to be a Genealogy and Family History blogger--a GREAT bunch!

In 2008, my plan is to:

  • Work hard at keeping in contact with the many cousins and interested parties I have been in communication with while doing my family research. An important part of research is networking, and through it, coming to care about people that I haven't met yet, except through the internet. I even have an invitation to Norway, and I'm raking my brain trying to come up with a way to go as soon as possible. Oh, my! I can't think of a better plan for 2008 than visiting Norway.

  • Be very committed to my next book project, which deals with Seattle local history. Wish me luck! I will have to spend many hours in archives with my neck cranked and my fingers glued to my laptop, for starters.

  • Spend as much quality time with my family as I can possibly manage. My husband and I have decided to move from our mountain pass home, and although I won't bore you with the details, I'm hoping to decrease my stress levels and improve the quality of my "haven" at home with this move. I'm a nester, and I haven't had much of a chance to nest lately.

  • Be a Nearby History participant again in autumn 2008.
  • Continue blogging and seeking inspiration from all of you!

Image: Free Gifs and Animations


  1. Happy New Year! Don't ya just love resolutions? I did mine too - I know I will regret them.


  2. Chery:

    Playing catch-up, and was surprised to find my name mentioned here. At least the one we give to the world - thanks!

    I also loved Nearby History and thank you for all the very nice things you said about me. I hope I can live up to them.

    Looking forward to hearing about your new book project.

    Happy New Year fellow writer!


  3. You certainly have much to be proud of in 2007, and if your past successes are any indication of your future ones, you'll have just as much to be proud of at the end of this year.

    Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year, Chery! Congrats on a successful 2007.

  5. Chery, You must be very happy as everyone says that busy people are happy people! Sounds as if you've been one more production person. And may that flow of work continue effortlessly through the coming year.
    Have another great year!
    Terry Thornton

  6. Thomas, Madame Maven, Lee, Craig, and Terry:

    Happy New Year to each of you! I wish I had some words of wisdom, but my brain is starting the year in too much of a tizzy. But, if our hopes for 2008 get too big to handle, we can always fall back on the great bubble-burster uttered by Terry Gilliam in the movie, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." While squinting at that shining castle on the horizon, you can remind yourself, under your breath: "it's only a model..."
